I specialize in finding + healing the “issues in the tissues”, all the ways that life’s challenges and traumas get lodged in the body, creating a never ending cycle of physical/mental/emotional pain + dysfunction.

I help uncover overlooked and hidden contributors to chronic pain and illness.

I assist clients to release old emotional wounds, re-balance their nervous systems and move beyond the grip of old negative feelings and memories.

I help “unstick” people who feel trapped, frozen or overwhelmed in life, and help to re-connect them with clarity, purpose and consciousness.

I aid those looking to deepen their intuition and progress along their spiritual path.

I provide clearings and healings for homes and businesses.

I guide small group healings for business teams, friends, families and more.

I facilitate mentoring and healing groups for teen girls.

I teach private therapeutic yoga + meditation.

what I do …


my offerings